biggest student residence in Austria
The Dorm Representatives offer you spare time activities and
stands for a harmonious living together at the Campus Brigittenau.
Deparments (Referate)
you can find free time opportunities
that we offer for you. The
people who are responsible for those departments are also students and are living
at the Campus Brigittenau.
Fitness • Room without name • Black Lounge (Club) • Partyroom • Sports Hall • Piano / Klassik • Computerreferat • Sauna / Solarium • Storage Room • TV Room • Tools Department • body building • Hall of games • Billiard Room • Rehearsal Room • Study Room
Upcoming Events
offen Mo-Do 8-15:30 Uhr und Fr 8-12 Uhr.
„Die Vienna“ ist wieder so nett und stellt Bewohner_innen der Wihast Freikarten für den Besuch des Spiels zur Verfügung. Solltet ihr das Match besuchen wollen, schreibt einfach eine Mail an und gebt die Wunschanzahl an.
Kartenverkauf/-rückgabe von Fitnessreferat und Kraftkammer (19:00-19:15 Uhr) im Haus Panorama Haupteingang (Pano EG, neben Loge).
Dorm Representatives
The Central Dorm Committee consists of all the dorm representatives of each and
every WIHAST dormitory.
Here you can get Subjektförderung/Heimpreisermäßigung 1x per Semester.
The WIHAST is responsible for about 3.200 student rooms in 15
dormitorys in Vienna, Wiener Neustadt and St. Pölten.
To get a room at Campus Brigittenau you have to register under
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