First Steps at Campus Brigittenau

    1. online registration under
    2. pick up your key
    3. fill out the inventory list
    4. give up your certificate of registration at the district office:
    5. read the house rules
    6. meet your new neighbours
    7. buy some food
    8. pay your internet
    9. call your mom :-)
    10. make party

    What else is there to do….

    1. get your own gym card
    2. play billard
    3. rent the Partyraum for a „Welcome party“
    4. enjoy a movie night in the TV-Room with your first date here at our Campus
    5. STUDY
    6. have some fun and play some games in the "Spielereferat"
    7. play some music in the rehearsal rooms which we have on the Campus Brigittenau


      Location Plan

      • 1 Computerreferat
      • 2 HV-Büro
      • 3 Turnsaal
      • 4 Partyraum
      • 5 Black Lounge (Club)
      • 6a Klassik / Klavier
      • 6b Klassik / Klavier
      • 7 Fernsehraum
      • 8 Kulturraum
      • 9 Spielereferat

      • 10 Lernraum
      • 11 Kraftkammer
      • 12 Billardraum
      • 13a Proberaum
      • 13b Proberaum
      • 14 Werkzeugreferat
      • 15 Lady's Gym
      • 16 Kopierer
      • 17 Sauna / Solarium
      • 18 Lagerraum




      Supermarket / ATM

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